Sunday, February 6, 2011

City Board Appointment process

What a disappointment to see the City Council implement such a flawed appointment process for Committees, Commissions, Boards and Trust Authorities. What could have compelled them to act as they did, completely ignoring the need for openness, transparency and accountability?

The Council spent little time discussing the pros and cons of the appointment process presented by Ms. Tullos. What they glowingly called "a good starting point" was no more than the codification of the old appointment process, with even more lack of accountability and openness that the original. 

One of the most glaring examples of "stacking the deck" on these so-called citizen committees is the ability to put one or more City Council members on each committee. Thus we throw out the committee's ability to make unbiased decisions or allow significant input from Bartlesville citizens at large.

Another statement in Ms. Tullos' proposal was extremely disconcerting: "Appointment of a non-council member (that would be a Bartlesville citizen at large) ..... shall be the privilege and responsibility of a council member serving on that committee, trust, board or authority." So apparently local citizen participation and support of a Committee, Commission, Board or Trust Authority is strictly optional.

The Council ignored a well-researched proposal presented by Grassroots Bartlesville that would allow for a more diverse and open appointment process and for City Committees, Commissions, Boards and Trust Authorities that are truly "citizen committees".  Instead they decided to stay with the old status quo, which allows for a closed system that favors those in power and disenfranchises the majority of citizens.

1 comment:

  1. What if citizens really wanted to be involved in the city government and what if the elected officials really wanted input from citizens? I wonder what that process could look like?

    Would we possibly start with real names on Examiner Enterprise articles comments?

    Would we start with asking who would like to serve on boards and commissions and giving people who want to serve a chance to do so? Maybe we could make that list public on a website or two.

    It strikes me that the internet gives us a wonderful opportunity to open up the dialogue.

    Oh yes, and we'll have to treat one another with some respect even when we disagree.

    This blog could start the process I bet and in fact already has!

    Sandra Crosnoe
